martes, 30 de abril de 2013

Brand: Panda Cheese
Target Market: United States Of America

Cheese consumption has increased in the last 30 years, jumping from 11.3 pounds per person in 1970 to 31.2 pounds (14.13 kg) per person in 2000 (1 pound = 453 grams). Consumption is expected to continue to grow rapidly reaching 37.5 pounds per capita for 2009. Specialty cheese consumption is helping this growth.

Some of the reasons for the growth of the specialty cheese market include:
More Americans travel and tastin unique varieties of cheese in Europe and other areas.
Increased number of restaurants offering European tradition.
Global trend of Americans who want more varieties and flavors in foods.
Education of the retail, food services, and organizations in the use dairy and cheese varieties.
Growth of ethnic populations in the country and increased interest in ethnic foods.
Increased availability and access to a wider variety of cheeses

Future Growth
A survey of business trends estimates that sales of cheese maintain an annual growth rate of 4.1% until 2010, eventually reaching 29.8 billion that year.
Retail sales of specialty cheeses reached almost 2,400 million in 2000, an increase of 4% over 1999 sales. Gourmet cheeses sales continue to grow at a rate of about 4% to achieve in the next five years nearly 2,900 million by 2005. This would represent an increase of 22% over 2000 sales. Successful marketing is a key factor in the growth of the retail market.
Cheese consumption has increased in part due to consumer desire for new varieties of cheese in forms and more convenient packaging. Consumers are eager to try new varieties of cheese and pay a premium price for it. Restaurant owners find that if you add cheese to the menu, especially specialty cheeses such as gorgonzola or asiago, customers will pay more. Indeed, the cheese is included in almost all menus across the country.
According to a recent survey 74% of consumers like the taste of cheese and 78% say they want to try new and different varieties.
Another reason that the cheese consumption has increased is the high content of calcium and protein.
American consumers are becoming more conscious in choosing healthy foods.
Besides being nutritious, many new varieties of cheese imported or manufactured by craftsmen cheesemakers. The artisan cheesemakers are small independent cheesemakers using traditional methods (most of the work is done by hand) to produce cheese. These cheeses may represent only a small portion of the total market of cheese, but also show the great opportunity for market growth

Cheese consumption has increased dramatically in the last 30 years, jumping from 11.3 pounds per person in 1980 to 31.2 pounds (14.13 kg) per person in 2009 (1 pound = 453 grams).
Consumption is expected to continue to grow rapidly reaching 37.5 pounds per capita for 2013. Specialty cheese consumption is helping this growth.
Cheese according to the Institute of Wisconsin, the nature of the specialty cheese is derived from one or more unique qualities, such as exotic origin given process design, special packaging and marketing channel.
The common denominator of these cheeses is their very high quality.
Some of the reasons for the growth of the market for specialty cheeses include
that more Americans are traveling and tasting unique varieties of cheese in other areas.
Increased number of restaurants offering European tradition.
Global trend of Americans who want more varieties and flavors in foods.
Education of the retail, food services, and organizations in the use dairy and cheese varieties.
Growth of ethnic populations in the country and increased interest in ethnic foods.
Increased availability and access to a wider variety of cheeses.

Viewing a niche market
A market that is rapidly growing is the ethnic market. The Hispanic community represents the greatest growth.
The Hispanic consumer has $ 421 billion in purchasing power. To serve this market, the Hispanic style cheese production has increased by 43% in the 2000-2011 period.
Hispanics are very loyal to the brand, and will pay for a premium product.
Another unique market niche is the traditional cheese market. A farmstead cheese is an artisanal cheese hand-made ​​in small quantities and produced on a farm using only milk from the dairy farm. This industry is growing rapidly in California and Wisconsin.

Distribution Channel:
Our distribution channel for the cheese is medium term and  its constituted by a scheme:
Producer—Wholesaler—Retailer-- Consumer

Producer: are we the producers of the cheese with our packaging and labeling.
Wholesale: We will use a dedicated marketer to dairy products, which will do the job of selling it to retailers. The trading company we will use is IMBS USA.
Company Sector: Business Services
Specialty: Trading other services.
Located in: United States Texas Dallas

Retailer or retail: The chefs at restaurants, retail stores and organizations such as the American Cheese Society can help identify and develop products, and therefore are an important resource in the study of the market.
The packaging must be centralized for a more profitable operation
Attractive presentation
Design, print communication and limitless possibilities.
Solutions “Fresh Look".

More practical and attractive packaging
More Fresh Products
Reliable product Conservation and extensive commercial life.


FDA Requirements for Food Export to the U.S.
Food exported for sale in the U.S. must meet the same requirements

Basic requirements include:
- Good Practices
- Registry
- Label
- Ingredients and Colors approved
Special Situations
- LACF / AF - need additional registration and approval process
- Dairy Grade A - to be accredited
Basic Requirements:
Pollution Free
- Microbial
- Chemistry
- Dirt
- Other
Manufactured under good manufacturing practices that apply
Tagged appropriately
Comply with rules and administrative procedures required (ie notice, registration, etc..)
Labeling Requirements
Label in English
Panel box with "Nutrition Facts"
Approved Ingredients
List of ingredients in descending order, using the common name used in the U.S.
Standardized food must use the name in the regulations. Sub-ingredients also have to be declared.
The net weight must be on both drives - in both metric and U.S. formats (ounces, pounds, etc..)
Name of the dealer and / or manufacturer with address and phone Colors
Full color added to food must be approved as such by the FDA
In addition, most of the colors used in food require batch certification issued by the FDA.
The colors approved for use in food requiring exempt certification and certification can be found in

The status of the colors and instructions on how they should be declared on the label can be found at:
Dairy Products
Additional Requirements
- Milk and Cream can be exported only if they have a permit (FDA 1993)
- Milk and Milk Products Grade A can only be exported to the U.S. if the processor has been certified by a state or an agency authorized as a processor that meets the requirements of the Pasteurized Milk Ordinance (PMO).

The list of authorized processors found at

Final Recommendations to speed up the process
Include with your shipping documents, required information such as
- Name and Address of Manufacturing
- Full Product Description
•Description indicated on the label. If the label is bilingual, include the description in both languages
Size and type of packaging in direct contact with the product
Medium (salt water, in syrup, etc.)
Process Information (pasteurized, fermented, acidified in aseptic packaging, modified atmosphere, etc.)
- FCE and SID (if applicable) or dairy permit
- Registration Number

Marking and labeling
Marking and labeling of the products covered by this Technical Regulation will apply the following specific provisions:
Denomination of the food
The name of the food must be Cheddar cheese, it can also be used for cut, sliced, shredded or grated products made from cheese.
The name Cheddar cheese is reserved for products that don’t contain fat or proteins that are not from dairy origin.
When milk or serum that derivatives from bovine or a mixture of these, it should be indicated from what animal species it comes.  The use of the name "Cheddar Cheese" can be used only if the cheese meets with the provisions of this Technical Regulation

The labels will be of any material that can be attached to containers, or a permanent print on them.
Is must be specified if the product went through at heat treatment, if the milk is raw milk and if the mixture didn’t suffer any heat treatment, on the label it must appear "Cheddar cheese made ​​from raw milk."
If the cheese has other characteristics, the label must be read “Cheddar Cheese with ..."

The Cheddar Cheese packaging must be food graded, clean, and free of defects that do not alter the characteristics and composition of the content and protect the product to prevent contamination during its storage, transportation and disposal to the consumer.

Commercial Strategies
Development of quality products and certifications. Differentiation

A major strength of our product is the quality and the transformation processes under Primus Lab and Kosher certified, allowing the customer to know that their buying a product developed under high quality standards.
Within the same differentiation strategy our product uses an ergonomic container that facilitates product handling. The container meets with FDA requirements, which makes our commercialization process a bit easier.
Our commercialization strategy will focus on distribution to wholesalers who then will take our product to the retailers and finally to final consumer, in the target market will use product placing campaigns that will help us establish as a recognized brand.
In the long term, we develop a line of commercialization meeting the needs of restaurants which will be vital to our business growth, this new channel will be a short channel with a direct distribution through the use of an agent, this will allow us to eliminate the intervention of the other participants of the channel we will use initially.
Cost leadership.
The company besides differentiating their products from our competition, it also emphasizes cost reduction, to achieve this, we use technology to speed up the production processes and internal logistics which will prevent downtime and allow us to improve our costs and benefits. The price of our raw material is low due to the geographical area in which the company is located at. Our location also provides easy access to different suppliers with whom we negotiate cheaper raw material prices. The company also has a long-term increase in utility margins, developing a standardized distribution channel that will allow us to reach more consumers with the lowest cost’s in transportation.


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